Here's your
invitation to retreat to The Womyns Rooms, a space for the feminine, a
personal time-out. Allow yourself a nurturing, contemplative environment,
a room of your own. Learn skills for women on the verge
of a breakthrough.
For women desiring more happiness, peace of mind, and contentment in living.
The intriguing
information presented in the "Change Your Mind, Change Your Life"
retreat has the potential to become a powerful ally in the process of
living a more authentic life. The examination of the major systems of
life beliefs will provide clues to the areas in your life where you need
to learn how to think. When you begin to "get on to yourself,"
you will recognize those areas where you aren't living your one and true
life, not living authentically. Getting real is the process of becoming
who you really are. It begins with the acknowledgement that what you've
been taught about life, what you "know," requires examination
and struggle to view the situation in a radically different manner. You
must become fearless in your quest to live more fully in your own skin.
Sally VanOrman,
your retreat guide, is a registered nurse with a BS degree in psychology,
a Master's degree in Social Work, New York State certified. She acknowledges
that she has lived a slightly irregular life.
The retreats
take place in a home that has been in the family since 1926. The house
is a canvas, peaceful, fertile, transformative, a bridge to your authentic
Ithaca is
a unique small city, "enlightened," as suggested by the "Utne
Reader" (May, 1997), and ranked recently by "Men's Journal"
(July, 2001) as among the top ten places in the world to "drop out,"
to enjoy the best of both urban and rural life.
The "Change
Your Mind, Change Your Life" experience is what you've been looking
for. Register now.